Friday, November 28, 2008

The Introduction!

Blogging... I never seem to be able to keep it up.

I've probably started seven or so over my internet life, but they never lasted more than a few weeks. I'm hoping this one will last longer, since I want to post all of my knitting (or other crafty projects) here for all of you to read and benefit from.

So let's cut to the quick. I'm a mediocre crafter. My knitting is mostly basic, and I just figured out intarsia and cabling, but I'm ambitious. I've got ideas for projects coming out the wazoo! My stash has grown from 3 skeins to 16 in 2 weeks, and I've got 4 UFOs in progress at the moment. I'm not going to post pictures on the off-chance that the future recipients of said UFOs stumble upon this page, but as soon as Christmas is out of the way, they'll be here.

I'm a geekette, so expect most of my projects to have some kind of novel quality. Projects floating around in my head ATM include: A celtic cabled version of Link's hat, with attachable Navi plush, A hat/scarf combo with built in earphones, for MP3 listening on the sly, and a fuzzy hat with ginormous bunny ears that double as a scarf. Non-secret UFOs include: a fluffy throw blanket and an illusion scarf featuring the star of life. Pictures as soon as I make some progress!

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